Mini cranes like BG Lift and SPYDERCRANE’s are amazing little cranes designed to drive into tighter areas that larger cranes cannot physically get too. They are ideal for going down tight laneways or backyard corridors for smaller, but not too small crane lifts. Do not be fooled by their size, these smaller cranes can lift a surprising amount of weight.
In the Toronto area, there are a large number of homes in older areas that are riddled with power lines and large mature trees. In some sub-divisions there is no physical parking options to even consider getting a crane to where it needs to lift. Mini cranes have the ability to deploy from further away in the work site and drive in to where they are needed. With 60 feet of reach and the ability to lift up to 4000kg of weight, these machines are great for lifting items over fences and hitting 2nd and 3rd floor housing options.
Looking for a better craning solution? Talk to our craning specialist to see if these smaller more maneuverable crane makes more sense on your particular job site.